EPA Cites Largest Hospital Disinfectant Manufacturer for False Claims

Contact: Rich Cahill (212) 637-3666, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y. — May 17, 2007) The largest U.S. manufacturer of
hospital disinfectants has been charged with making false claims about
the effectiveness of its products against microbial pests, according to
a recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) complaint against
Lonza, Inc. Federal and state investigators collected products made by
the New Jersey-based corporation from stores in New Jersey, California,
Hawaii and North Carolina and conducted laboratory tests that showed the
disinfectants did not work against common infection-causing
microorganisms. EPA is seeking a penalty of $202,500 against Lonza,
Inc. for these alleged violations of federal pesticide law.

"This company sold disinfectants that didn’t deliver as promised, and
did a disservice to doctors, staff, patients and the general public,"
said EPA Regional Administrator Alan J. Steinberg. "EPA and its
partners in the states will keep a close eye on these companies to make
sure they pay for violations and discourage would be wrong-doers from
making the same mistakes."

The hospital disinfectant products that the joint federal and state
investigation determined to be ineffective are Formula 158 Lemon
Disinfectant, Fresh and Clean and REV. Formula 158 Lemon Disinfectant
and Fresh and Clean did not kill Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, and REV did not
kill either the Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus, as
claimed on the labels. Both pathogens can cause infections that can be
serious, but are often treatable with antibiotics. As a result of EPA’s
action, Lonza revised its claims on the Formula 158 Lemon Disinfectant
labels to comply with EPA regulations and discontinued the REV
formulations. Lonza, Inc. has requested a meeting with EPA to discuss
the alleged violations.

Before any pesticide is sold in the U.S., it must go through EPA’s
vigorous registration process, dictated by the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). During this process, companies
must provide health studies and environmental information about the
product to ensure that its proper use does not cause any negative human
or environmental effects. It is incumbent upon the manufacturer to
ensure that its product lives up to its claims.

If EPA decides to register the product, it grants the manufacturer an
EPA registration number, which is listed on the product. EPA also works
closely with the manufacturer on the label language, to make sure that
it is clear and as specific as possible about how the product may be